Autonomous Infrastructure Mission
Institutional Restitution
Call-in Campaign
For, quite literally, decades the California Department of Corrections had systematically identified Politically Conscious New Afrikan Prisoners, those with a penchant for educational development and a desire to transform the New Afrikan criminal mentality into a New Afrikan Progressive Mentality and removed them from the General Population under an admittedly baseless assertion they are "gang members". This false assertion was invoked to isolate them for DECADES in sensory deprivation torture units known as Security Housing Units, or SHU's. To be sure, during a 60 Minute interview with Oprah Winfrey, former CDCr Secretary Scott Kernan admitted holding New Afrikan Prisoners in indefinite solitary confinement was "a mistake."
Yet, at NO POINT, after DECADES of torturing New Afrikan Prisoners in SHU based solely on their political ideas and the books they read, NO effort has been made to recompense this prisoner class for decades and decades of injustice. For 10, 20, 30, 40 and in some cases, 50 years these Brothas languished in SHU, denied any programs or educational opportunities, repeatedly denied parole, and after historic hunger strikes and a class action lawsuits to end the torture units, no effort at Restitution has been made to these Elders. The Institutional Restitution Campaign DEMANDS Restitution for the the New Afrikan Politically Conscious Prisoner Class, the ONLY class of Prisoners tortured based on their political ideas and literature alone.We demand RESTITUTION in the form of IMMEDIATE release dates currently authorized under P.C. 1170. The New Afrikan Politically Conscious Prisoner Class (housed in indeterminate SHU) constitutes a mere 20-25 individuals still behind the walls, most over 50 and who have served well over 20 years of continuous confinement; a cohort of Prisoners who according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, have a .015% recidivism rate ( a FRACTION of one percent) and non-existent when considering THIS class of Prisoners. We call on YOU, the People, to Support the Institutional Restitution Campaign by calling and or emailing Governor Gavin Newsom and demand Institutional Restitution for these Elders who were victimized by decades of state sponsored torture, by using this statement as your template. When social cooperation is strong, oppression and state power are weakened. Join us in demanding INSTITUTIONAL RESTITUTION NOW!
Contact Governor Gavin Newsom:
Phone: 916-445-2841